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Mine is Coming Next Week!

So I got an email that the truck has been shipped as of April 12th 2023. I thought it would be a week, but I was optimistic. Evidently all vehicles are shipped to a lot in Califormia to check that they comply with state regulations. I do have a VIN, have set up financing, and I even have insurance ready. I am with Mercury insurance and found that the reports of insurance cost being doubled is a myth. I have an F-250 from 2003, and full coverage for the Lightning is only $17 more for full coverage.

One thing that is interesting is the antenna. I heard that the AM radio option is no longer available. Some sites said the stick antenna works way better than the "shark fin" antenna that you see on most modern sedans and SUV's. The theory is the truck drivers are more likely to listen to AM talk radio and want good coverage. I have transitioned to Spotify to avoid commercials, so I don't really want any antenna. I will let you know when it comes.

I stopped by the dealership to check on the reservation MSRP vs. the current MSRP, and they said it is listed as a "rebate". As long as Ford honors their committment, I am fine with whatever they call it. I'm just stoked to get one after 2 years of waiting!


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